Sunday, 16 May 2010

What are the main features of a religious upbringing? Part B question


  1. A main feature of a religious upbringing is the weekly visit to the church and attending Sunday School. Here the children are given lessons on the values of Christianity.

    Another feature of a religious upbringing is listening to parables and biblical teachings. Parents tend to read parables to their children at night.

    Another feature of a religious upbringing is baptism. The child is immersed and bathed in water. This is a major sacrament. They are blessed by God throughout life.

    Hope that helps (:

  2. Parents also teach their children to pray to God, perhaps before meals or before going to sleep.

    Similar to Tim's points, many parents take their children to church services at Christmas and Easter so they can give their thanks to God.

    I'm not sure if this counts, but some parents send their children to church schools, so they can learn in a Christian environment.

    There is also confirmation - when a child is confirmed as a full member of their church through a ritual.

  3. A further point would be living in a Christian community where one's neighbours and friends would all be Christians. Children can easily relate to their peers since they hold similar beliefs and values.

    The Church also organises activities especially for children, youths or teenagers - for example, Brownies, Scouts, or the Boys/Girls Brigade.

    There may also be family activities such as camping or hiking, where the children can establish a more personal relationship with both their parents and/or family, and even God.

    Emily - Church school counts. :)
    (because everyone will hold similar (Christian) beliefs and values, therefore children can relate easily with their peers)

  4. Parents teaching their children about the religion from an early age and allowing them to accept it in their lives, for example baptism at birth.

  5. A difficult question for 8 marks would be 'explain how a religious upbringing could help individuals believe in God' (or along those lines)

    You need to know how four of the above features of a religious upbringing encourage belief in God.


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