Monday, 10 May 2010

'Men and women are different so you can't expect to have equality'. Do you agree? 4 marks


  1. One point for the argument might be that men and women, just as they are physically of different strenghts, in the Church play different roles: Men play the role of the Church leader, just as Jesus was a man and was the leader of the church, and just as the 12 apostles, the leaders of the Church were all male; and women play the equally important but different role of raising children and taking care of the household. Equality is therefore impossible, simly because men and women cannot take on the same roles as the other (by Biblical teaching).

    Note: this does not reflect my personal view of the matter.......

  2. St Paul also declared 'I permit no woman to speak or have authority over men, they are to remain silient.' Since some Christians believe St Paul is a messenger of God, they believe that woman and men should not expect to have equality. Men and women should have their own set of duty.

    In Timothy, there is a quotation that states 'women should learn in full submission... for Adam was created first and Adam was not the one decieved but Eve. This quotation suggests that Adam (who represents men) should have more value than Eve (who represents women) as he was created first. As well as that Eve was also decieved. This shows how women are incapable of being leaders as they are easily swayed and can be corrupted (snake is symbolic of darkness and evil, the apple is symbolic of tempation, curiosity and desire, so it indicates that women can be manipulated by evil to follow their desires easily.) Men have more dicipline and tolerance (as Adam was not decieved) therefore should be leaders not women.

  3. *pardon me for my poor english please XD

    Note: that is not my personal opinion as well.


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