Sunday, 16 May 2010

Give a non religious explanation for the existence of God (6 mark question)

Is it something like the big bang and Darwin's theory of evolution? so can my three points be:
-The world was created because of big bang. Particles fused together. It was caused naturally/ coincidence.
-The atoms form cells etc.
-The creatures evolve to adapt to the surroundings and environment.


  1. Your points are correct!

    You can also talk about the various laws found in nature
    e.g. law of thermo-dynamics (matter is eternal, cannot be created or destroyed)
    - laws of motion
    - laws of conservation of ... (energy, mass, momentum etc)

    Amongst others, of course.

    You don't need to explain them in detail because it's only a 6 mark question - you could just say "these explain the world perfectly without once referring to the existence of (a) God".


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