Thursday, 13 May 2010

"The family that prays together stays together."

:( ???


  1. I found is pretty hard too ...

    Christians support this statement because God taught that He created all life "in His image" (Genesis 1:27) and gave it to humans as a gift because of His great commandment of love. This means that as a family, Christians should follow His will, because He has the perfect plan for every human (Jeremiah 29:11). By expanding on the word "pray" in the given statement to the general idea of following all Christian teachings, God will bless the family because He loves us so much. This leads onto the idea that if Christians follow His teachings, they will know that family life is very important as Jesus taught, and so "stay together".

    You can also refer to marriage - one of the purposes of marriage is procreation, and to give the child / children a Christian upbringing in a Christian home of love and faithfulness. If parents fulfill their duty in this way, the children will also learn to "honour their father and mother" (Fifth Commandment). Therefore, the family will stay together (now I'm taking it literally, as in the parents won't divorce) because it is the sacred word of God to do so. By following Christian teachings, the family will love, honour, respect and stay faithful in one another, and also "stay together"

    Does that help a bit? :(

  2. I suppose you could also make reference to the fact that prayer is a Christian thing and that there are Christian ministers who could help with family issues. And possibly that the family is a major focal point of Christianity, playing the role of passing on religion, and therefore might give the parents a sense of duty regarding their children and ecoraging them not to divorce. On that issue, if you do pray, it's likely that you're a Christian and therefore will try not to divorce. From a non secular point of view, praying together or taking part in religious rituals as a family could strenghten family ties psychologically.

  3. From a secular perspective, you can also say that praying and actually believing that your prayers will be answered by God will make you more optimistic and secure.So if there is a trouble in your marriage life, you will believe that this predicament will eventually pass with the help of God regardless of the situation.

  4. *This helps you overcome obstacles such as money, health issues etc.

  5. I think that helps. Thanks guys :)


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