Monday, 10 May 2010

just a simple question

i just have a question.. is a near death experience a religious experience?


  1. most of the time, yeah. like most NDE's involves a person seeing a tunnel into the light?? and they see their dead loved ones and Jesus and stuff, that is religious...

    or they might see themselves in hell, like with demons and fire everywhere, that's sort of religious as well.....

    but sometimes an non religious believer has these types of experiences as well, so don't know about that

  2. but then again, some near death experiences may not be religious experiences like out of body experiences. I don't think near death experiences can really be classified as a religious experience. I guess you can say that when people see the tuneel of light and sometimes even hell it can be called a mystical experience which is a religious experience.

  3. NO!!!!!!

    A near death experience is a non-religious explanation for life after death. It is from the 'Matters of Life and Death' unit. The topic of religious experience is from the unit 'Believing in God.' The nature of the unit is different.

    There are only four examples of religious experiences that the examiners will accept. They are experiences of the numinous, conversion, miracle and answered prayer.

  4. To repeat...a near death experience is NOT a religious experience!!!!!!!!!


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