Sunday, 16 May 2010

Explain why trying to convert people may cause problems in a multi faith society

My poinst are:
-Can cause racial dicrimination.
-This leads to racial hatred.
-Can cause inequality due to the majority and minority in the society.
-May even to extreme situation such as genocide


  1. Could it also create divide in the society?

  2. I answered this exact same question a couple of posts back, on Alice's question.

    Your points are right, are you just unsure on how to expand on them to get full marks? Or do you not have enough supporting evidence?

    Matthew 28:18-20 "go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" - this shows that Christians feel it is their right and duty to convert everyone to their religion, because the exclusivist view is that Christianity is the one true religion. This causes problems in a multi-faith society because every religion (supposedly) has equal rights to coexist, and telling others that your religion is the only correct one, and trying to force them to convert, implies that other religions don't have the right to exist. Therefore the multi-faith society which is supposed to be religious pluralist and have religious freedom, no longer becomes a multi-faith society.

    This relates to many of your points ... I'm pretty sure you're fine on this question!

    Other evidence:
    (I think this is from the Qur'an)
    "We have prepared for unbelievers a humiliating punishment" - Surah 4:151
    It follows the same point as the previous one so you could do a "PEE EEL"
    instead of "PEEL".

  3. I was just checking it if was valid xD. But thanks alot!!! Your explanation is much better than mine.

  4. There's another one
    “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” - John 3:3
    This means that only Christians who are baptised ("born again" through baptism) can go to Heaven, therefore directly saying that the only path to lead to God is Christianity (and baptism), thus emphasising the exclusivist beliefs, and therefore causes problems as it defeats the point of a multi-faith society.

    My explanation is not better than yours. I write far too much for my own good ... :(

    you should always include examples - especially Bible quotes in the Ethics exam :)


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