Sunday, 9 May 2010

"Explain why there are different attitudes to pre-marital sex in Christianity"

2002 Question (6c)

I know that (for Roman Catholics and most Protestants) God tells us it is wrong in the Bible (Thessalonians 4:3 - KJV), but also that some liberal Christians (Quakers) believe it is acceptable as long as they marry, because love was Jesus' greatest two Commandments - but my points seem really simple ...

Can someone help me please?
Thanks! :)


  1. I'm not too sure :S

    Aside from what the Bible says about fornication being wrong, we were taught that Christians believe that sex is a gift from God to be used in marriage. Therefore, to be 'using' it outside marriage - including before marriage - is in a way abusing God's good gift, so is wrong. Also, because sex was intended to be within marriage, how can an unmarried couple truly 'enjoy' sex unless it was used as it intended (within marriage)? Pre-marital sex is only a fake imitation of sex between a married couple. This is also why most Christians consider pre-marital sex wrong.

    I guess another reason might be because sex is meant for the procreation of children...which is supposed to be within marriage as well.

    Does that make sense? :/

    Other reasons why Liberal Christians believe that pre-marital sex is wrong is because not all Christians regard the Bible as the word of God, others believe that the church has to come to terms with modern society, and as you said - love is the most important :)

  2. I think it makes more sense now ... thanks :)

  3. Premarital sex can also lead to unpremeditated birth. In the worst case scenario, it can lead to abortion. Another problem is that if a children was given birth and neither of the parents are ready, the child will not have a good religious upbringing. There is also the chance the parent may split up. This can result to single parented families.

    Premarital sex can also encourage a polygamous relationship. Christian believes that all relationships should be monogamous. If a person have fall into relationship and have sex with another but breaks up again, then he is sure to eventually find another 'person.' This defies the Christian beliefs.

  4. For people who support premarital sex, they can argue that at certain situations it can be lesser of two evils. For example if two people are very committed to one another, but under certain situations such as war they cannot get married, yet they still want to express their love through sex.

  5. *I meant for the greater good (instead of the lesser of two evils)


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