Monday, 10 May 2010

Outline different Chirstian attitudes to other religions. 6 marks


  1. Tim Li says:

    Some Christians such as exclusivists, believe that Christianity is the only true religion. Other religions have gone wrong therefore followers of other religions are in need of conversion.

    Other Christians such as inclusivists, believe that although Christianity is the whole truth, other religions have some truth in them.Despite that only Christians are assured of salvation, other followers of religion can still achieve salvation.

    On the other hand, Pluralists believe that all religions are equal.God is just like a force and can be discovered in many ways. Different religions are just different paths that leads to the same destination.

  2. Exclusivists are Evangelicals, pluralists are Liberal Protestants, and inclusivists are anyone in between, I think e.g. Roman Catholic. I think you need the name of the denomination not just the type of attitude they have.

  3. I think Roman Catholics are Inclusivists? The "Religion and Life Book" does not say specifically, but the “Vatican II Council” of the 1960s "explicitly declared that people of other religions could be saved".


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