Monday, 10 May 2010

'Life is sacred and should be preserved at all costs' Do you agree? 4 marks


  1. Some people might argue against this statement, saying that life is only a particular combination of chemicals in the brain or in an organism which has evolved sufficiently to produce a varied response to external stimuli. It has been produced by chance, and there is therefore nothing special about it. If there is nothing special about life, then it does not need exceptional respect and life does therefore not need to be conserved especially. It may be morally desirable to preserve life, but it is not made necessary by a higher order to do so.

  2. On the other hand, Christians believe in the Sanctity of Life, because God created all humans "in His image" (Genesis 1:27), therefore should be valued and respected since it is pure and holy, and is a gift from God. Many other teachings in the Bible, as well as the Gospels, reflect this - that only God has the right to take away life, and therefore life should be preserved at all costs. For example, 1 Samuel 2:6 states "The Lord brings death and makes alive", and Job 1:21 emphasises "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away", therefore all life belongs to God, and should be preserved at all costs.

  3. therefore life*
    (third line)

  4. Some christians believe that life is a gift from God. By preserving it at all cost, it shows your appreciation to God's gift. Whereas if you take away your own life or anothers, then it is depreciating God.

  5. Paul says:
    u can extend on the point by saying that our life is the possession of God and does not truly belong to us therefore we have no right to take it away by any means.


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