Monday, 10 May 2010

God and evil cannot both exist. Do you agree? 4 marks


  1. Some would disagree with this statement because a God of Classical Theism with the attributes of omniscience, omnipotence and omnibenevolence should theoretically stop evil from existing. Being these things, God would be aware of evil and suffering, know how to, be able to, and want to get rid of evil and suffering. But if evil exists, perhaps God isn't one of the things we believed Him to be - so perhaps 'God' doesn't exist at all (or else God wouldn't be God).

    So if evil exists, God can't - and vice versa

  2. However, others (Christians for example) would argue against this statement and say God and evil can both coexist alongside each other. This is because they believe God is transcendent (beyond perception, existing outside the dimensions of space and time) and immanent (exists within us, within the universe), meaning that He works in mysterious ways which humans will never be able to comprehend - but only to trust Him because He has the perfect plan for every human being (Jeremiah 29:11).

    Additionally, some Christians may say that evil (and suffering) is a test for Christians; a strengthening of faith to prove if Christians are loyal to God and all His teachings. For example, God allowed Job to suffer, yet Job still remained faithful in God, thereby making Him even more loyal to God and more dedicated and committed to the Christian faith. There must be evil (and suffering) first, in order for goodness and light and truth to overcome it. Therefore, God and evil can both exist.


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