Monday, 26 April 2010

Outline different Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage

im stuck on this question???


  1. well, i would answer that christian denominations like Roman catholics think that it is adultery and is taboo...

    while liberal christians will say that if a couple is co-habitating then it is ok if they are very close and will marry soon...

  2. All Christians believe adultery is a sin - it breaks the sacraments of marriage and the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). Adultery also breaks the trust and one-flesh bond formed through the wedding vows. ("Till death do us part") - The Bible specifically condemns adultery (Leviticus 18:22).

    Roman Catholics believe that premarital sex is a sin, because sex is sacred between a couple blessed by God.

    Methodists don't encourage premarital sex, however accepts it in cases where couples will marry and carry out all the vows involved in the wedding ceremony.

    Quakers permit sex outside marriage because God loves everyone and will forgive their sins, following Jesus' example when He forgave the adulterous woman in John 8:1-30.

  3. Good points Aaron. Remember to develop them as PEEL points.

    Remember, sex outside of marriage includes sex before marriage (pre-marital sex) and sex after marriage (adultery/extra-marital sex)


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