Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Explain why the idea if causation leads some people to believe in God.

Explain why the idea if causation leads some people to believe in God

how would you answer this?


  1. Well the argument of causation is basically the fact that everything happens because it is caused by something.

    An example is dominoes, you have to push the first domino over before the other dominoes will fall.

    Some people believes in God through the idea of causation because they beleive that the universe is made through a cause, or the big bang is started by a cause. They believe that this cause is God, the First cause.

  2. i knew this already, thanks anyway aaron

    just wondering if there is anything else you could add to this?

  3. You could say that some people believe in an infinite regression or something (never ending chain of causes)

  4. The universe must have been caused by something else that has been caused which keeps on going on like a chain reaction; it could not just happen by coincidence/chance.

    An infinite regress (causes with no beginning)is impossible because something must have caused THAT. Science also supports the fact that everything happens by something else that happens.

    Therefore there must be an Uncaused Cause to have created the universe and this can only be God

    Sahar wrote this i have just posted it for her as her account will not let her.

  5. (continued from sahar's point)

    This therefore leads some people to believe in the existence of God as if God was the first cause, then it proces that god is powerful enough to have be the first cause of the causat.ion.... <--- didnt know what to put XD
    This therefore proves that God created the universe etc. etc i think.. :)


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