Monday, 26 April 2010

"Explain why some people think the law on euthanasia should be changed."

...and what's the law on euthanasia?
Thanks :)


  1. The law on euthanasia is... The euthanasia must be passive so not giving them something to kill them but taking something away e.g. food supply. There is also something about having a good reason but i cannot remember that part.

  2. some peeps think dat da law should be changed because of the commandment "love your neighbour as yourself". well, people think that voluntary euthanasia should be legalised coz it eases their pain... and it's voulantary... so .. it should be legalised....

  3. Currently the law in the UK (and Hong Kong, presumably) on euthanasia states that active euthanasia and assisted suicide is illegal. The current law is the 1961 Suicide Act - which describes assisted suicide being an offence. (Imprisonment of up to 14 years) - Passive euthanasia is not illegal.

    Some people think that the law on euthanasia should be changed because some forms of euthanasia are gradually being accepted into society. Every human being has a right to end his/her own life (1998 Human Rights Act), especially if s/he is suffering - for example, from a terminal illness like cancer - to the extent that ending the pain through death would seem to be a better option. Furthermore, not all drugs can relieve extreme pain, not even morphine in particular cases.

    Related to this is that a sick relative could cause a huge burden (emotionally, financially and/or spiritually) to family members. If s/he is going to die anyway, and it is just a matter of time, then some people would say that euthanasia should be permitted, and therefore the law should be changed.

  4. The Roman Catholics do not agree with the practice of euthanasia. As it goes against Gods will to end another humans life.

    The Salvation believes euthanasia "threatens to debase the function of doctors and impairs the confidence of their patients"

    Methodists do not believe in euthanasia They claim that "The argument for euthanasia will be answered if better methods for caring for the dying are developed"

    The Quakers believe that it is okay depending on the situation. e.g. the lesser of two evils

  5. There are very many terminally ill patients in hospitals that take up a lot of room. If euthanasia was allowed then there would be more space and facilities to allow people who had a chance of surviving to use rather than them being taken up by people who are definetly going to die.

  6. Remember you are doing an exam which is UK based so your answers should be related back to the UK and you do not need to worry about the HK law.

    Aaron...write properly. can come to the revision session.

  7. SAHAR SAYS: The British law on euthanasia is that it is illegal in the UK and so it Assisted suicide. Doctors can, however, give the patient drugs to ease the pain and shorten his/her life (double effect). Some people may argue FOR the legalization of euthanasia as it stops the sick person from suffering (is this lesser of two evils?) and allows them to have a more painless death.
    Furthermore, euthanasia may be inevitable for many people. If they are not allowed to obtain one in the UK, they may fly to another country such as Belgium where it is allowed. Therefore some can argue that the UK might as well just change the law since people will get euthanasia’s anyway.
    (The other points are already mentioned above)

  8. Thanks, that's really helpful :)


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