Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Prejudice and Discrimination - Part d question

'Nothing does more for racial harmony than religion.'
Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing you have considered another point of view. In your answer, you should refer to at least one religion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Some people would agree with the statement and say nothing does more for racial harmony than religion. They say that since app. 88% of the world's population belong to some form of religion (2009 est.), therefore it plays a significant role in people's lives. Additionally, the holy scriptures of each religion all mention something about living in racial harmony - and because so many people are religious, they follow the teachings and therefore live in racial harmony. Furthermore, within a religion there are followers from all races around the world, indicating that religion in itself is already in a state of social harmony.

    For example, in Christianity Jesus taught humans to "love your neighbour as yourself" (Mark 12:31); God pronounced that He created humans "in His own image" (Genesis 1:27), that "we are all one through Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28), and "all nations form but one community" (paragraph #842, Catechism of the Catholic Church) - these all indirectly refer to religion teaching its followers to live in racial harmony.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I disagree with the statement because although religious teachings advocate racial harmony, they have on some historical occasions failed to instil racial harmony in certain societies. An example would be the sadistic oppression of the Jews in Nazi Germany. Despite the fact that the majority of the German population was of the Christian faith, teachings such as ‘Love thy neighbour’ - the word ‘neighbour’ referring to all people of all races, including the Jews - were not acted upon. Arguably, this was because the Nazis indoctrinated the German public into believing that the problems of Germany could be attributed to the Jews, but the fact that racial discrimination existed even amongst the common people shows the (then) impotence of religion to secure racial harmony. This is because it is up to the people to act upon religious teachings to bring about racial harmony; the fact that something is taught does not necessarily mean that it can directly influence racial harmony. Therefore I would not say that religion can ‘do more’ for racial harmony than any other authority.

  5. Although not everybody would agree, i do not think religion is the best thing for racial harmony.

    On the part of global issues, when the Jews settled in Palestine to escape from worldwide persecution, a catrascrophe happened. The Jew's holy books teach them that Palestine was their given land, and that they should live there. However, the Jews, because the holy books said that the land is theirs, eventually drived out the original inhabitants of Palestine-the Arabs. This is why religion is not always the best solution.

    However, in christianity, it teaches that people should love their neighbour as themselves, so that encourages racial harmony as everyone loves each other.

    Therfor, i think that religion as a whole does not contribute to racial harmony, but a selective few does and others don't.

  6. Although not everybody would agree, I wouild like to argue for the above statement, i.e. I believe that religion is the best way to promote racial harmony, and I have many reasons to support my view.

    First of all, there are Christians in every country of the world, belonging to many different races and cultures. This already acts as a firm ground and basis for any Christians who are fighting against racism and discrimination.

    Secondly, there are many well-known religious leaders who have fought for racial harmony, such as the Bishop Desmond Tutu and Archbishop Father Trevor Huddlestone, who is famous for raising global awareness of the issue of apartheid.

    My third point has its sources in the Bible. In the gospel of Luke 10:25-37, Jesus teaches us to love one another through the Parable of the Good Samaritan, regardless of any differences, especially race.

    In conclusion, I strongly feel that religion is one of the best ways of promoting racial harmony.

  7. Personally i do not agree with the statement because religions have different ideas and beliefs. As a result some religious extreemists will try to hurt or even kill people of other religions because they believe they are right and the people of the other religon are wrong. This is what causes most fights however this is to the extreme because people feel so passionatly about religion.

  8. I believe that the statement is flawed.

    In my opinion, in recent years, religion has become a very controversial topic. However, many people still respect the beliefs of others. The presence of multi faith's within a society will just provide more differences between the people. Differences between people will always be ridiculed as it is 'new' and people are cautious.

    However, a multi faith society will be interesting for the society as a range of new ideas will be implemented. This will help to keep things 'fresh'.

    It depends on the people within the society, whether they are willing to accept differences.


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