Saturday 5 June 2010

Explain why Hindus use the trimurti to represent Brahman:

Do you think for this question we should do the same as when describing God for the christianity exam. One point about omnipotence, omnibenevolence and omniscience in the same way that one point about Brahma, one point about Shiva and one about Vishnu?? I cant think of anything else to write about?


  1. It could also be that the idea of Brahman the ultimate reality is to great for most Hindus to understand so they split Brahman in to the three main parts Creation (Brahma) Preservation (Vishnu) and Destruction (Shiva). Making the idea less difficult to understand.

  2. Also it ties in the with the Om symbol, thinking back to year 8: one part stands for Shiva, one for Vishnu and another for Brahma. Which also ties in with the idea of samsara.

    I think I would also include ideas about why Hindus break Brahman up into gods and goddesses -to represent the infinite aspects of Brahman that cannot be understood. The terms Nirguna/Saguna Brahman might also be helpful here.

    I think it is also possible that the trimurti enclose the cycle of the universe - creation, destruction and rebirth.


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