Monday, 7 June 2010


"Outline Hindu beliefs about sanathan dharma."

sanathan dharma is the eternal religion - hinduism

so is the question "Outline Hindu beliefs about Hinduism"?

just confused..


  1. Sanatan Dharma does refer to Hinduism, but I think what they are talking about is Sanatan Dharma as meaning 'Eternal Law' :)

    Hindus believe that Sanatan Dharma (eternal law) refers to the laws which govern the universe and are also contained in the innate conscience of people.

    They believe that these laws are ahimsa (respect to all living beings), sauca (purity), satya (truth) and asteya (not stealing) well as controlling the senses because the world is illusion (maya).

    Some Hindus believe that because the Hindu way of life follows all of these laws (and Hindus have to follow these laws otherwise they'll get bad karma), the 'real' name of Hinduism is like you say, Sanatan Dharma :)

  2. Oh...and 'maya' actually means 'illusion', not controlling the senses :/ My bad, sorry...

  3. aahh okay thankssss emily! :)

  4. so does satya mean not lying?


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